Inheriting the TradeRegular readers of this blog know that my distant cousin, Tom DeWolf, has written a book about our slave-trading ancestors, the D’Wolf family of Bristol, Rhode Island, and our journey to explore the legacy of their slave trading today.

Tom has now embarked on a “virtual book tour,” an innovative way to interact with readers and to expose others to the book, by traveling across the Internet. Denizens of the ‘net will have the chance to win a copy of Inheriting the Trade in paperback or .mp3 audio, as well as to chat with Tom and to read new author essays and interviews.

The first stop on the book tour runs through Monday, other stops begin on other web sites this week, and the full schedule of stops on the tour run for the next month. Check it out here.

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Paul Butler has an interview with Tom DeWolf today on Moody Radio’s Prime Time America with Greg Wheatley. The subject is Tom’s memoir, Inheriting the Trade: A Northern Family Confronts Its Legacy as the Largest Slave-Trading Dynasty in U.S. History, about our experiences retracing the route of our slave-trading ancestors.

You can listen to the interview on a local radio station or on Paul Butler’s blog.

This morning’s interview on The Early Show on CBS is now available to watch online.

The interview was conducted by anchor Harry Smith with Tom DeWolf, Katrina Browne and Juanita Brown, on the occasion of the release of Traces of the Trade on DVD.

Harry Smith had previously blogged about the book and the film, and he ends the interview by saying, “I cannot recommend [the book and the film] highly enough.”

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The Early Show on CBS is scheduled to air a live interview in New York with Tom DeWolf, Katrina Browne, and Juanita Brown on Monday, July 14.

The interview is to be conducted by anchor Harry Smith, who wrote about the film when it first aired on PBS:

… the journey is painful, tearful and revealing. … the film displays the difficult road toward reconciliation. See it or get it or pick up the book by Katrina’s cousin Tom DeWolf.

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For those playing along at home, the interview with Tom and Katrina on CBS’s The Early Show, tentatively scheduled for tomorrow, has been postponed.

While the tie-in to “Juneteenth” was an interesting one, it is also possible that the interview may air shortly before the broadcast premiere of Traces of the Trade on June 24th. Stay tuned.

The Early Show on CBS is scheduled to air an interview with Tom DeWolf and Katrina Browne in the near future.

The interview, which has been pre-recorded with news anchor Russ Mitchell, focuses on Tom’s book, Inheriting the Trade, and on the upcoming documentary film Traces of the Trade, for which Katrina served as director/producer/writer, and in which Tom and I appear.

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Tom and Katrina’s scheduled appearance on CBS’s The Early Show to promote Inheriting the Trade and Traces of the Trade has been postponed.

They will definitely be appearing on the show, as they’re taping their interview this morning, immediately following the live broadcast. This is merely a rescheduling to accommodate other programming, and the producers hope to air the interview next week. I’ll post the new date as soon as we know it.

The Early Show on CBS is scheduled to air a live interview with Tom DeWolf and Katrina Browne on Tuesday, April 29.

The interview, to be conducted by news anchor Russ Mitchell, will focus on Tom’s book, Inheriting the Trade, and on the upcoming documentary film Traces of the Trade, for which Katrina served as director/producer/writer, and in which Tom and I appear.

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Tom DeWolf on C-SPAN’s Book TVFor readers in the Boston area, Tom DeWolf will be appearing at the Harvard Coop tomorrow to promote his book, Inheriting the Trade: A Northern Family Confronts Its Legacy as the Largest Slave-Trading Dynasty in U.S. History.

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Inheriting the TradeTom DeWolf will be bringing his book tour to New England during the next two weeks.

As readers of this blog know, Tom, a distant cousin of mine, has written a memoir entitled Inheriting the Trade: A North Family Confronts Its Legacy as the Largest Slave-Trading Dynasty in U.S. History. The book chronicles Tom’s journey of self-discovery as a descendant of the D’Wolf family of Bristol, R.I. and parallels the making of Traces of the Trade, the Sundance-nominated documentary which is scheduled to air on PBS in June.

Here is the schedule of Tom’s upcoming appearances in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut:

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